iPhone 15 and its launch date


Most of the current conversations about the iPhone concern the iPhone 13, which is expected to be seen in September, and it is said that it comes with an improved screen and an improved camera, but we can also talk at the moment about some rumors and leaks regarding the iPhone 15 as well.

5G modems for the iPhone are starting to appear in 2023, just in time for the iPhone 15, said analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, one of the most reliable Apple news analysts in the field.

This means that Apple will no longer have to rely on the component it currently takes from Qualcomm, forcing the chipmaker to enter new markets in order to compensate for the loss of orders from Apple.

Given slow Android sales in the high-end 5G phone market, Qualcomm may have to compete to get more orders in the lower-cost market to make up for the loss in Apple’s orders.

The iPhone 12 series was the first from Apple to come with 5G capabilities, so the 2023 update may be the first to take a big step in terms of 5G performance.

It is difficult at this stage to determine what this shift might mean for users and the 5G performance that can be expected, but making its own 5G modems should enable Apple to improve data transfer speeds, reduce latency and improve battery life, as the component could have been specially optimized. Along with the rest of the internal gear.

This news should not be a surprise to industry watchers, although the expected timing is interesting.

Since Apple bought the modem chip business from Intel in 2019, the development of 5G technology has been evidently taking place in-house.

And previous expectations had indicated that the iPhone that includes a 5G modem made by Apple could appear in 2022, but this seems optimistic now, as Kuo says: The chips appear in 2023 at the earliest, so it could be after that.

Apple has been using its processors inside the iPhone for more than a decade now, and it recently started doing the same thing on the side of computers, which reduces its dependence on external suppliers, and allows every piece of hardware and software to integrate tightly and improve performance and efficiency completely.

Qualcomm continues to provide 5G modems for the iPhone at the moment, as all expected models of the iPhone 13 come with this technology.

Apple iPhone 15 launch News release Rumors

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